
In 2013 the ALPAGE project published a book from the work presented at the June 2010 concluding symposium:

Noizet, B. Bove, L. Costa (dir.), Paris de parcelles en pixels. Analyse géomatique de l’espace parisien médiéval et moderne, éd. Presses universitaires de Vincennes-Comité d’histoire de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 2013, 354 p.

The book is composed of two parts:

– The first part explains the methodology used to reconstruct the oldest Parisian plot map into a GIS;

– The second part presents the first historical results benefiting from spatial data analysis (historical topography, socio-economic history of Paris, urban morphology, etc.).

A short interview with Boris Bove conducted by FR3 during the ‘Futur en Seine’ digital festival (June 2013) provides a synopsis of the work accomplished during the project.

Below are the reviews and articles that have appeared in the press: