The metadata catalogue

The metadata catalogue is intended for anyone who wishes to obtain information on the content of the different data layers in the ALPAGE programme. The catalogue acts as a directory in which each integrated layer of information produced in the ALPAGE programme is described according to the descriptive schema of the metadata standard used in the INSPIRE directive (based on the ISO  19115 metadata standard for Geographic Information). The first volume deals with vector data and the second (currently in development) deals with raster data.

The content of the catalogue corresponds to the content of the MySQL database. These files are searchable and exportable in XML and PDF formats from the webmapping platform.

8 batches are currently defined for vector data and 2 batches for raster data (Vasserot plans; ancient maps). Each batch includes a short introduction that specifies the common elements:

  • Origin of the dataset: quickly specifies the definition and consistency of the dataset;
  • Data model: specifies the structural elements (fields) which have been defined;
  • Additional information: clarifies some of the references associated with the dataset;

Subsequently for each data a record which includes the following 6 points helps to enhance the description:

  • General information: description and general features of the data (objective, spatial extension, update, etc.);
  • Data information: geometry type, number of objects, author(s) and data origin;
  • Complementary information: refers to the data processing method and associated sources;
  • Specific information: refers to the description of the Coordinate Reference System;
  • Attribute information: provides a complete description of all fields used in the attribute table;
  • Metadata information: provides information on the author of the metadata record and copyright notices.

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