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Road network – landfills 12th -18th c. (Sally Secardin) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Roman hydrography according to Vacquer (Mathieu Fernandez) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Hydrography in 1 785-1791 (Paul Rouet) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Streams and watersheds in 1740 (Laurent Mirlou) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Paleorelief contour lines (Vincent Krier, Laurent Costa) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Flood of 1910 (Laurent Mirlou) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Flood of 1910 (Laurent Mirlou) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Flood of 1910 (Vincent Krier, Laurent Costa) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Paris topography (points), Girard 1805 – 1807 (Mathieu Fernandez) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Paris topography (lines), Girard 1805 – 1807 (Mathieu Fernandez) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]Elevation polygons , Girard 1805 -1807 (Mathieu Fernandez) : [wpi_designer_button text=’Download’ link=’’ style_id=’754′ target=’self’]